Living in a foreign country is an incredibly exciting new experience. You are immersed in a new culture and thrown into a lifestyle completely different from the one you are used to. While all the newness is fun and enriching, there are also many things you miss about home.
1. The food
While trying new foods is one of the best parts of the study abroad experience, after a while you'll probably start craving some of your mom's home cooking. By my fourth week in Spain all I could think about was getting a real American cheeseburger with a milkshake.
2. English
3. Family
4. Holiday traditions
When studying abroad you are bound to miss at least one American holiday. For me, it was the Fourth of July. It feels weird celebrating on a day that for everyone else around you is just another day, but it feels even stranger not to do anything to commemorate the importance of the day in the US.
5. Internet connection
Even in countries that are as developed as the United States wifi is not as widely available and when it is it tends to be slower than you are used to. Americans are all about instant gratification, but when trying to connect to the Internet in a forefinger country you will learn how to be patient.
6. Friends
While abroad you will make new friends but no one will ever be able to replace your friends back home. You'll be having adventures abroad but part of you will always be wishing that your besties were there to share the experiences with you.
Going abroad is an amazing experience that everyone should get to experience, but when you are away from home you should always expect a little bit of homesickness too. Just remember to focus on the fun adventures you're having and the homesickness will pass quickly.