We live in a world that is consumed by aesthetics. I don't know about you, but I am irked by it a little bit. Sure, it feels good to be called 'hot', but wouldn't you want to be called something that goes beyond your body? I'm sure you agree. You are smart. In the words of the ever so brilliant Cristina Yang, 'Screw beautiful. If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.'
Below are six attributes that I would much rather be called, than 'hot':
1. Beautiful:
Being called beautiful regards more than the physical look of a woman. Being called beautiful regards her demeanor. Beautiful relates to her soul.
2. Kind:
Not nice...kind. Regarding others in a genuine way. Loving the unloveable, and lovable. Loving the outcasts and weirdos.
3. Funny:
Funny people are so cool. Laughter and smiles are some of the best things in the world, and create that would be so cool.
4. Vibrant:
Full of life. I've seen quotes floating around the internet about how it's cool to hate life and to hate people (that's not cool). Life is such a gift that we have been given, to waste it would be such a sadness.
5. Smart:
I am smart. I am cultured.I have ideas, I have thoughts, compliment them. Sometimes I say things without thinking but then again, a lot of people do.
6. Strong:
There is little that I respect more than someone who has been through so much, but lives life without fear, with such a sense of identity, with the thought that nothing can destroy her.
To all the young girls, you are more than hot, do not settle for hot.