Whether it's time to set out on your own, or your family's just relocating, leaving the place you grew up in can be hard. Here are a few things you know to be true when you move from your childhood home:
1. Packing is a nightmare
First you have to get boxes. Then you have to go through your things and wonder "how important is this really?" Depending on how many memories are brought up just by going through your things, this could take a while.
2. Saying goodbye to your friends is hard
You're definitely going to cry when you say goodbye to your childhood friends.
3. Moving day never goes completely smoothly
Are the movers late? Where's that box of fragile plates and bowls?
4. You now live in the land of boxes
Once the movers unload everything into your new home, you're left with piles of boxes. The most important thing to do now is to carve out a small area where you can feel sane.
5. Organizing your new house can be tough
Your new closet is always going to be smaller than you thought it was.
6. You're going to get lost driving around once or twice
Even with the GPS, you'll need to learn the roads in the area you've moved into. The only way to do that is to get a little lost, and find your new favorite places!
There are so many adventures to be had when you leave your childhood home, but getting there can be tough. Hopefully, all you need is a little dedication to carry on to your life in a new home!