As the days dwindle ever closer to Thanksgiving, many thoughts are running around your mind. Is the house clean? Are we dressing up this year? How can I keep my family members from asking me where my life is headed? Even with all of these crazy thoughts and ridiculous amounts of school work to get done before Thanksgiving break rolls around, there are still many things to be thankful for. That's what the true meaning of Thanksgiving is: gathering around a table with good food to eat and remembering who and what is in your life and being thankful for it.
1. Family
This one seems like a no-brainer. Family is one of the most important things to hold on to in life. Whether it's just a small get together, or a full extended family shindig, you love each and every person in that room. They are your biggest supporters for whatever you do and love you every step of the way. Some days you need to hold them closer than ever, and the thought of being able to spend one entire day with them is the most exciting part of Thanksgiving Day.
2. Relationships
Whether it be a significant other or your best friends, let them know how thankful you are for having them around to help you through anything. They're there for you on those days where you're super stressed out, and they take you out for some ice cream, or when you just need a good cry and they give you their shoulder to cry on. Just give them a quick call or even invite them to the family dinner just to show how much you appreciate them.
3. Health
Being thankful for good health or even the fact that your family is in good health. Even if you or a loved one is struggling, being able to gather around a table with them can make you instantly feel better. The school year can be so stressful for many different factors, so getting a short break from it all can improve your mental health.
4. Netflix
Some days, you just have to thank the person for creating Netflix so you can procrastinate all of your activities. Maybe it's just there when you have nothing else to do, so you just turn it on and waste your whole day watching random movies or binge watching your favorite T.V. show.
5. The Food
Thanksgiving Day is one of the best days year-round where you can just eat delicious food all day long, and no one judges you for it. The normal food we eat all year just doesn't compare to eating loads of turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans and pumpkin pie. Not to mention the leftovers you get for the whole next week after!
6. Military
These men and women that protect our country should always be in our thoughts during Thanksgiving. Fighting for our rights and serving our country is something we should be forever thankful for, especially during tough times right now. We should hold them in our thoughts and say a quick word of gratitude before diving in to the festivities.
Though this may not cover it all, these are a couple of things to think about during Thanksgiving this year. Having these good times and great memories to share with loved ones are irreplaceable. Hold onto everything a little tighter and love a little harder this coming Thanksgiving.