Nowadays, we have conveniences that we would never have thought we would be able to live without. I mean, we can live without it, but because we became so accustomed to it, we wouldn’t believe how normal it was for people in the past to live without it! Here are 6 things that we can’t live without today that people in the past have lived without:
1.) Air Conditioning
This is seriously the number one thing. Especially during this hot summer, I don’t think any of us would be able to live without air conditioning! Yeah, people had fans back then, but fans don’t really give us that cool sensation that air conditioning does for us. Oh, thank the inventor of air conditioning!!!
2.) Lights
Lights are really taken for granted. Lights in the streets, lights in the house, and the flashlights on our phones! We should be glad that we don’t need candles (even though some of them have wonderful scents) and that lights guide us and keep us safe when we are outside.
3.) Toilets
Imagine having to do number 2 in a bucket. We are lucky that we have toilets that we can just flush and make all the gross stuff disappear in an instant. It truly is an amazing invention.
4.) Cars
It would be great fun to ride on horses or carriages like people in the past, but in fact, it isn’t as great as it seems. Cars have given us the privilege to personalize our trips and be able to go wherever we want, whenever we want.
5.) Refrigerators and freezers
Back then, people didn’t have a cold place to store raw meat. They would need to use it as soon as possible so that maggots *shudder* wouldn’t grow in it! Refrigerators and freezers save us from this, and we are very lucky to have it.
6.) Computers, tablets, smartphones, wifi, pretty much all technology!
This post wouldn’t be this post without this one. Technology has become a huge part of our lives, and it is nothing to be ashamed of if it increases our productivity. Our world and generation have been shaped by technology, and I believe that we should be striving to use it wisely!