Out of all the issues within society, suicide seems to be the most misunderstood and stigmatized. People who suffer from suicidal ideation are often seen by others as attention seeking individuals, not as people who need support and non-judgement.
Society’s misconception of suicide tends to make it seem as if it doesn’t affect much of the world’s population. When in reality, it affects myself, the girl next door, and so many more. This engulfing mindset does not single out one gender, race or any other demographic available. It affects everyone, from the African American female, to the Asian male. No one is immune to such a deadly way of thinking.
1. No one ever seems to mention how suicidal ideation affects every type of human being.
Growing up, we always pictured the stereotypical Goth chick joking about suicide and having scars on her wrist. This stereotype that society has implanted in our minds is not 100 percent correct. In fact, suicidal ideation can affect anyone. It could be the star athlete or the guy in marching band. It could even possibly be the war veteran that lives next door to you. Suicidal ideation does not discriminate against anyone. It is a dark and dangerous path, which everyone is susceptible to.
2. Everyone seems to ignore the warning signs of suicidal ideation.
Obvious signs of it can range from joking about it to even making a plan. When making a plan, it doesn’t just have to be well thought out. If an individual just has a simple thought about doing it that can be considered making a plan as well. However, other signs are not as obvious. In the book, Thirteen Reasons Why, the main character made a point in which she changed something about her appearance drastically. In this case, it was her hair color. Something as intricate as this sign can foreshadow the next actions of the individual. Taking note of the warning signs can change the outcome for the individual.
3. It also affects all of the loved ones of the victim.
It changes loved ones entirely, in which it can cause them to never be the same again. Even ten years from now, they will be forever changed from this devastating event. Personally, it’s been almost five months and I can guarantee you that I will forever be changed by one young woman’s decision. As a suicide survivor, I will always sit there and think about what I could have done more to help her. There will forever be this empty void that is present due to her absence.
4. No one seems to talk about how real it is and how often it is ignored.
People who know someone that attempted suicide often say, “They seemed so happy. She never showed any signs!” When in actuality, the person most likely did show signs, but they were ignored or not taken seriously enough. Any joke or even precursor to suicidal ideation should be taken seriously. Society even goes into deep ignorance of suicide with the joking element of it. “Oh my God. I’m going to kill myself.” Why do people joke about such a serious topic? This causes suicide to seem that it is not as serious as it should be.
5. No one mentions about how it’s not just the victim’s fault.
Suicidal ideation is a symptom of many mental illnesses, which are just are bad as other diseases of the body. People tell you to take off from work and go to the doctor for the flu or pneumonia. Suddenly, when it’s something like clinical depression, you can turn off the sadness and be happy again. People suffering from mental illness need just as much healing as people that suffer from physical illnesses.
6.No one talks about suicide enough.
It’s such a taboo topic within our culture, that people seem to think differently and badly of someone who decides to talk about suicide openly. People need to be able to confide in others about such topics. Not just about suicide, but about mental illness in general.
This post is dedicated to the late, Taylor Morgan Spires (March 3rd, 1997- January 13th, 2016). She battled depression, mental illness, and bullying for many years. She was an athlete and, overall, the life of the party when she entered the room. She loved to laugh and lived her life by the words of God. Her last message to us is to love everybody.