Being an only child is something that isn't very common these days. Most people have at least 2 kids, so when you stand up in a college class and you're told to say something about yourself (which we all hate) saying you're an only child can get you some pretty weird looks. With that being said, there are multiple things that come with being "that kid."
1. "The Look"
When you tell someone you're an only child, even if the person doesn't notice it, they give "a look." This look is either completely shocked, or completely disgusted. We aren't straight from hell, believe it or not. People have literally looked at me like some kid of circus animal when I tell them I'm an only child.
2. "Is it not boring without siblings?"
People don't even notice that this question is annoying. Its a legit question to them, but it can be considered kind of dumb to someone who doesn't have them. I've been an only child my whole life. With that being said, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO HAVE A SIBLING. It's not boring to me because I don't know any different. No, it's not boring, I've been doing the only child thing for almost 19 years now. Plus, my parents have never told me "no" when I asked to take a friend on vacation.. so I'm not alone like, ever.
3. "Well why don't you just ask you parents for money?"
This is the one that makes people assume we're all spoiled rotten brats. I don't ask my parents for money because they don't hand stuff to me every time I ask for something. Especially money. Just because my parents only have one kid does not mean that they are millionaires and I get everything they make.
4. "You call your parents several times a day? Why?"
MY PARENTS WERE MY FIRST FRIENDS. I'm still trying to comprehend how some people go days without talking to their parents. Growing up my parents were the only other people I lived with. For several years, they were the only people I had conversations with other than other adult family member.
5. "Wow, that must be so nice!"
Yeah, I don't have to share anything with anybody, including my parents, I was never bullied by an older sibling, and I do pretty much whatever I want because I'm the golden child. BUT, don't get me wrong, there are downsides. No, I don't want siblings, but I get so jealous of people who get nieces and nephews and have someone to understands them to a T.
6. "Why do you want to be alone so often?"
It's not that we don't like you, its that we spent so much time alone growing up, that we cherish our alone time. We love hanging out with friends, but every now and then having a little alone time helps us recharge and it will make us much nicer.
Being an only child really is pretty awesome if you asked any only child in the world. We're not all selfish brats, we aren't as spoiled as it gets, and we honestly love having people around because growing up it was just us.