If you are surrounded by students typing busily on their laptops or reading overly highlighted passages in textbooks while sipping their second iced coffee of the day, then chances are you are probably sitting in Carrier or ECL on a Sunday afternoon. On any typical Sunday there is sure to be no seat left unaccompanied by college students working on different tasks. We are all challenging ourselves daily to learn new things and become the best at what we are studying. All majors are different in multiple aspects, but there are also many similarities that all majors share.
We all have hell weeks.
They are inevitable. We all deal with them at one point in the semester, sometimes more than once. The fact of the matter is that we cannot run from them no matter how hard we try.
Internships are difficult to find in almost every field.
Searching for internships is easy. It's landing an interview and making yourself stand out among thousands of other college students across the country that is the hard part. No one student in one field is along in this situation. We all feel the same stress and anxiety as the next person when it comes to trying to gain real world experience.
Every major is heavily dependent on some sort of task.
Every field has something it is dependent on. Journalists are constantly writing, science based majors are heavily reliant on reading to learn the material, and art majors are constantly trying to get their creative juices flowing to become the next Picasso. Every field has that one skill that sometimes gets tiresome, but is essential to being successful.
We all have had one professor that makes a class challenging.
We have all been there. It is an experience that helps us learn to navigate through school, just like we will have to navigate through challenging situations in the professional world one day.
But we have also all had that one that makes class enjoyable.
Then there is that one professor you absolutely loved and has inspired you in so many ways. He or she made you remember why you chose the field of study that you did, and how important it is for you to do all that you can to be successful at it.
We are trying to be successful.
Even though we are all studying different things, we came to college to do well in a field that we are passionate about.