1. People don't always take you seriously.
Telling people we are still just students does not usually go over well. For some, age seems to equal quality. We know this not to be true.
2. You're an expert on self education.
From high school, and even into some colleges, photography classes are not always available. We've come to know there is nothing you can't learn by doing some experimenting (and maybe with a little help from the internet).
3. Getting paid for your work is a luxury, not always a guarantee.
Because spending hours on set shooting and sleepless nights on end editing doesn't sound like a lot of work...right? Who doesn't love working for free?
4. You make do with the resources you have.
5. You look for any excuse to take picture.
Oh, it's your little sister's backyard birthday party? One of your friend's prom night? Better break out the camera.
6. You're tired of hearing about your "impractical" career choice.
Most photographers aren't going into the field because we think it will be easy. We are doing it because we love it. There is nothing better than going to a shoot, knowing we wake up every morning loving what we do.