Starting to do yoga is one of the most challenging things a person can do, but one of the most worthwhile.Yoga will empower you to do what makes your heart happy. Your mind will be open to so many doors and possibilities. With each practice new positions will become easier and new focuses in your life will become more clear and possible. It can begin to change a persons mind, body and spirit. Here are some things that will start to happen.
1. Help you mentally and spiritually balance the stresses in your life. You will feel at ease with the world around you and understand that everything happens for a reason. Having an open mind in yoga class will transcend into having an open mind in life as well. Life on the yoga mat is peaceful and simple and you will want to carry those traits into life off the mat, as well.
2. It will benefit your health. Just like working out, yoga is great for your health. You will have this increased thirst for water and will feel great about yourself. Creating that quiet time for yourself is so worth it and extremely healthy for your emotional balance. Hot yoga makes you sweat immensely which can be a detoxification of unhealthy substances in your body. To perform in class you must be well hydrated so increase in water is a healthy benefit of hot yoga.
3. Yoga will increase your strength physically (and mentally). You will become stronger by pushing your body to extreme limits in positions you never know you can do, which is extremely rewarding. A practicing yogi will find and nurture muscles they never even knew they had.
4. You will find that you will become more flexible. The positions performed in yoga are not only strength inducing but will strengthen you flexibility. Yoga will transform what you think is possible for your body and mind. With time and practice a person will get more graceful and flexible, no matter how clumsy or inflexible a person thinks they may be.
5. You will never want to run again. Yoga in general, especially hot yoga, will push enough to make you never want to run. What is the point of running when you sweat just as much or more in a yoga class? And you never even leave your mat!
6. You will get more confident after you commit yourself to yoga. Deciding to better yourself and go outside of your comfort zone are confidence building. With a more balanced and spiritual life, you are sure to feel confident and brand new coming out of each yoga practice. Accomplishing new positions is super empowering and make you feel amazing leaving the room.