Not everyone is blessed with wisdom teeth, but those who are know that the experience is one from hell. Unless, however, you are one of those few lucky ducks that are eating a pizza the same day.
Not everyone has the same experience, but if yours was anything like mine, these are some things you may need to know.
1. Get the good stuff.
They just cut four teeth out of your mouth leaving you with blood and holes; ibuprofen is not going to do the trick. You need the hard stuff to get you through this one.
2. Meal plan.
Map out some things that you think you'll be able to eat, and by eat I mean swallow whole. As ice cream may be at the top of your list, it does not fulfill the three meals-a-day you need; you will be starving.
3. Company.
Definitely plan for a wisdom teeth recovery party, but prolong the event. Have friends and family come over sporadically so everyone isn't there at the same time.
4. Subscribe.
Get ready to do the most binge watching you've ever done in your life. As you lay there day after day, seasons are getting finished, movies are getting finished, series are getting finished. Make sure you have a strong line-up ready for at least three days.
5. Unsubscribe.
On the other hand, don't be afraid to put the remote down, shut the computer down and turn off the lights because you need to rest and regenerate.
6. DON'T push it to the limit.
There is no point in trying to speed up the process, because in all reality you will just prolong it. Dry sockets are in fact a thing, and I promise you do not want them.
- Gargle warm salt water after you eat anything.
- Listen carefully to the doctors orders.
- Ice your face (with peas) as much as possible unless you want a chipmunk face.
- Sleep either on your back or sitting up.
- Put tea bags in if the blood doesn't clot.
- Have a buddy get them out around the same time as you.
I wish you a speedy recovery and hope your experience was not as bad as mine.