I commuted my freshman year of college, and there were definitely pros and cons with that experience. The pros were that I got to come home to my own comfortable, full-size bed and pet my owndog. I got to eat momma's chicken and and didn't have to worry about climbing three flights of stairs to sling my clothes in the washer. But, I also felt like I was missing out on a lot. I'll tell you some things I've learned so far:
1. Shower shoes ain't so bad
I actually feel weird getting in the shower without my cheap Walmart flip flops. You feel me?
2. Community Bathrooms (aren't so bad)
Sort of the same as point one, but I actually don't mind community bathrooms. There will be few times in your life when you'll wake up and head to the bathroom to quietly wash your face beside five other girls who hate 8 AM's as much as you do.
3. Your Roommate
I love my roommate and I don't know how she puts up with me sometimes, but you always have someone there that's on the struggle bus with you at 1 A.M. trying to read 70 pages that you put off until the night before.
4. You Realize How Messy You Actually Are
Sad, isn't it? I am a messy person and I really have to try hard to clean up after myself. I'm a pig.
5. Food
Easy Mac, Easy Mac, Easy Mac. Living in dorms gives you a good excuse to eat gooood junk food. Well no, wait. that's every day.
6. Getting Invited Places
When I was a commuter, my classes ended at the same time as everyone else, but I was tired and wanted to go home, but home was like, my home, not a dorm. When you live on campus, you're actually able to go to the events that are at night and you don't have to occupy yourself and actually do stuff for five hours and wait.
Living on campus has made me more productive in a lot of ways. I think I thrive when I'm surrounded by my peers. What are some of the experiences that you've had while being a campus resident?
Live it up and make the most of it!
Stay Cool,