This year it felt like I was counting down the seconds until summer after a stressful semester, but then again who wasn't. Now that I've finally recovered from the semester and started my summer internship I started thinking about things I wanted to do this summer. I made my mini bucket list and then quickly crumpled it up and started a new one, "Things I won't do this summer"
1. Hold regret from the past year
Sure, we all do this we regret in college (isn't that what it's all about?). It's okay to regret them for a little bit, that's part of the whole you live and you learn a thing. Now that the year is over, you're alive, and getting a C in that class or draining your bank account isn't going to affect your health, so let it go and move on.
2. The same things you did last summer
Summer is about doing things you can't do while at school. Exploring, traveling and cleansing yourself until the craziness starts up again. Don't go to that same restaurant you always go to or see that same band in concert just because you know they are good. Change it up a bit, go a restaurant you have always wanted to try or go see a band that you only know a few songs from. Either way it will be a new experience.
3. Cook ramen and mac and cheese every night
Hold back the judgment, we all know that is the best late night snack you can dream of, but it's also most definitely not the best for you. There is so much time to grill and cook in the summer and so many fruits and vegetables that are so much better in the summer. Grab a cookbook (or Pinterest) and start cookin', you'd be surprised at how fun it is.
4. Only go to the beach
Summer=beach, those two words are practically synonyms of each other. Don't get me wrong I love a good beach day, but there are so many other day trips you can take in the summer. Find a mountain and go for a hike for the day. Find a nice view and set up a picnic for the day. Pitch a tent and build a fire. Rent a canoe and paddle around for the day. You'll still get a nice tan.
5. Stay in the same place
Summer is about adventure. During school, I don't have as much time to explore a new city or a new town so I usually spend my summers traveling on the weekends. Even if it's just a town over or maybe even a couple of states it's cool to travel to a place you've never been before. Look up a place you've always wanted to go and see if they have any concerts or events happening, and plan a trip.
6. Always be with friends
Summer also=friends, they could also be synonyms of each other. It's also nice to take the time to be alone. Go out for coffee and sit outside for the morning by yourself, or take a bike ride and enjoy the view. As much as I love my friends, I love finding peace in just being alone sometimes.