Living on your own is a big change but at some point in life, ya have to do it. In many cases it may be when you head to college. Over the past two years, I have created a mental list of all the things I miss from living under my parent's roof. Don't get me wrong, I love living away and in my own apartment but there's just those things many of us took for granted when we lived at home. There are so many small things that made your life more convenient but you never had to think about before they shipped you off to become a big kid. Here's my list of things to cherish before you go to college or just move out in general...
1. Pets
It stinks from going to getting to see your dog every single day and then not at all. It's been weeks since I last saw my little guy but even when I do go get to see her, it's only for a couple days. It rips my heart out every time I drive away and see my dog in the review mirror. I miss petting her, I miss hearing her bark (can't believe I'm actually saying that), I miss bugging her, I miss her goofy personality but most of all I miss how happy she makes me and not seeing her is hard for a pet lover. I'm already counting down the days until I can visit her again.
Yeah, you read it right, I promise. They might get on your last nerve and I bet many people can't wait to leave them behind. No judgement though. Lots of people such as myself will realize how convenient it was to have your parents always there. I miss talking to them actually quite a bit. It's funny because I didn't talk to them a whole lot when I did live there. There's so many stories I have to tell my mom but I can't just go ten steps away and tell her. Calling and texting is great, yes, but by the time I find time to call, I forget what I wanted to say. Either that or the story is probably super irrelavent now and I don't feel like repeating it.
3. Siblings
Thankfully, I don't have a problem with missing my younger siblings because I don't actually have any... well besides my dog. I'm sure many people do experience this however. I had the opposite experience because my sister went to college before me and it's annoying to admit but I really did miss her. I had to deal with mom and dad on my own and entertain myself. There's no one to joke with and make fun of your parents because you friends at college didn't have to deal with them for 18 years. I bet your siblings at home probably miss you too, just like I did with my sister. Being a single child taking care of two parents is really rough.
4. The food
The definition of going away to college should basically just be defined as fending for yourself. That's exactly what it is. You don't have anyone to make you dinner every night and ask what you need from the grocery store. It's all you now. You buy it, you cook, you clean it up. The "buy it" part may be the hardest. You don't want to spend money, you don't have time to go to the store, you don't feel like you have time to make anything too elaborate. That's why Ramen is the reason why everyone in college is still alive and hasn't starved yet. Also, the cheapest stuff is junk food. Trying to buy healthy is a struggle because everything goes bad too quick. Go home and get yourself a good meal, I'll be here eating easy rice and a popsicle.
5. Your room
I'm not sure why but I also miss my room. I love my room here and it's always fun and exciting to decorate it with different stuff, but there's something about your bed at home that is near and dear to your heart. I miss the color of the walls, how cold it always was, all of my paintings and knick knacks, and how big my closet was. Most importantly, all beds are not created equal. My bed at my real home is one of the best beds I've ever slept in and I dearly miss it. I do enjoy my bigger bed but there's just something about my little one at home that I will always have a soft spot for.
6. No laundry
I know tons of kids who have been doing their laundry all their life and it's embarrassing to say but no, I was not one of them. I depended on my mom to do my laundry and I hate to admit that but I'm just being honest. When you go away to school and have to start doing your own laundry, it's not fun. I was used to filling up my basket and just dropping it off in the hallway like I'm sure many kids do. Now you have to take your basket to the laundry room, sort it, prepare the washer, put everything in and the biggest problem: waiting. Whether it's at the dorm or your home/apartment you have to be prepared to get your stuff done because other people are always waiting. At home I would just go back to my room and see all my nice, warm clothes laying on my bed and that was that. Those were the days...