- Looks are the last thing that should matter when it comes to making friends.
This is a really awesome thing to think about. As people, we have a filter on as to who we talk to; especially in high school. We often think that certain people are “odd” or “weird”, and because of this predetermined bias, we refuse to associate with them. Luckily, dogs will always accept you with open arms (or legs? Who knows.).
- Sometimes it’s nice to have someone there, even if you don’t talk.
If you’re having a bad day, sometimes it may feel like you need someone around, but you don’t want to talk about anything either. Just having company can be great, and sometimes you can be the quiet support system for someone else.
- You don’t have to like everyone you meet.
Sometimes, even the best dogs hate each other, and that’s okay. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to be super close with everyone you meet, and you don’t need to feel obligated to stick around people that don’t make you happy.
- Take it easy around people that need extra help.
Whether it be special needs children or young children overall, a lot of dogs are very gentle with them because they understand that they need a more laid-back approach to things. Remember to be patient and polite with and to people, and not to make fun of people for something they can’t control.
- Enjoy the small moments in life.
I love to laugh. It’s always one of the happiest moments you’ll ever experience, it’s free, and it’s something that you don’t usually forget. Enjoy things that wouldn’t be seen as a huge deal to most, and remember the small things that happen throughout a year. Don’t take these moments for granted.
- Sometimes, you need a nap, and that’s okay.
My dogs love to sleep. With the few dog beds scattered throughout my house, naps are readily available. It’s important to get enough sleep, and to avoid getting yourself too stressed. Sometimes you just need to forget these things for a moment and get some rest.