Played by actor Alan Ritchson, Thad Castle is known as the hunky yet dense captain of the Blue Mountain State Football team. With BMS airing for three season on Spike, and now the re-runs being streamed on Netflix, the spirit of Thad Castle has been with us since 2010. Now, we can relive the wonders of the Goat House with "Blue Mountain State: The Rise of Thadland," the BMS movie coming out on February 2nd (a date which we've been looking forward to since the series went off air.
In anticipation of the movie coming out, some major self-reflection has helped me realize something very important: we all need to be just a little bit like Thad himself. Here's why:
1. He's always willing to have a good time
There hasn't been a moment where Thad Castle hasn't been ready to get a little wild. He is always up for a new adventure, and there's hasn't been a day where he's been ready for the Goat House to turn up.
2. He's the life of the party
Whether it's celebrating Top Three in the draft or participating in the Drug Olympics, Thad never fails to remain the center of attention every time the Goat House throws down. He is, after all, the captain of the team. He's gotta set an example.
3. He's willing to make sacrifices for the sake of his success
If you know Thad Castle, you know that Oksana may be the single most important object in his life. If he can burn his prized possession in order to get drafted, you can do anything.
4. He isn't afraid to let his emotions show
Thad is an emotional man, and proud of it. It makes us human. He has a way of showing his emotions in a way that we should all be doing. Let it out Thad, let it out.
5. He is willing to take control
When the going gets tough, Thad gets going. If he's in a sticky situation, Thad isn't afraid to do what needs to be done in order to restore order to the world (and the Goat House).
6. He works hard and stays dedicated—to looking good
Need I say more?
We love you, Thad.