No matter what restaurant you are in, hosts hear the same things every single day. Whether it is servers or customers, being rude to a host is never a good idea...we happen to control just about everything in the restaurant, including where the servers serve and the customers sit.
1.“Can we actually sit over there?”
There is almost always a reason we sit you where we do! It may be because other tables are being held, or because the table you may want is in another servers section and we are not able to sit them at the time.
2.”Can I have the next table? My last table only got drinks.”
I understand that while this may be frustrating, that happens to everyone and when we are busy I am not always able to seat one server multiple times in a row.
3.”Why does that server have more people than me?”
This one is what makes me the most annoyed. I do not have magical powers and cannot control how many people come in and when. I have a system and it works. Eventually numbers will even out.
4.”I want to have section 3 today”
I can’t give everyone everything they want. So, you get what you get and don’t throw a fit.
5.”I have too many tables, stop seating me.”
This is something very hard because I don’t want to overwhelm anyone, but when we are crazy busy sometimes I have no choice but for everyone to have a full section.
6.”Hosting is so easy compared to serving.”
All though hosting can be, and does seem simple, it gets overly frustrating because constantly trying to please absolutely everyone is not an easy task when you are stuck in the middle between helping customers and helping serves. And as we all know, the customer always comes first.