The dorm room is packed up, and you’ve said your goodbyes, now it’s time for the hard part. Readjusting to the home life. The three months after your freshman year are filled with ups and downs. You love being home, but at the same time miss everything and everyone that you have gained throughout your first year of college. Here are a few things that the out-going freshman goes through during their first summer home.
1. The person that you have lived with for the past nine months is now gone
The person you may have shared everything with is now gone within a day. It doesn’t hit you that it’s all over until you stare at your empty little dorm that you will (hopefully) never live in again. There is no more sharing a mirror when getting ready on the weekends, or shared closets which is very hard to adjust to.
2. You have a curfew again
Now that you’ve experienced freedom from the awful thing it is hard to fall back into it. You’re so used to getting back to your shoebox of a dorm room anytime you want to over the weekends, whether it be at midnight or four in the morning. That is no longer acceptable. You’re back under your parent’s roof again and need to follow their rules.
3. You actually have to clean (often)
You may not care how your room looks, but your parents do. You no longer have free reign. No more scattering your clothes across the floor when looking for a weekend outfit, or leaving a pizza box in the trash for a solid two weeks. No more putting laundry off or leaving makeup on the sink. Along with that comes the chores. All the dishes, vacuuming, sweeping and overall cleaning, return the second you do.
4. The friends that used to live right down the hall are no longer just a shout away
Now you have to actually drive to see your newfound college friends. You can’t just yell down the hall asking for pizza and a movie night. You find it hard to set up times to see each other during the summer. Some may live a few minutes away while others live on the other side of the country, which makes it more that difficult to communicate. You find yourself counting down the days until you see their smiling faces again.
5. You brag about your freshman year to your hometown friends -- a lot
You just finished your freshman year! It’s something to be proud of, and of course you make sure all of your hometown friends know that as well. Whether it be talking about fun nights out, crazy weekend stories or bragging about the amazing new friends you’ve found, you make sure not to leave out a single detail.