1. "You are such a bandwagoner"
I'm not a bandwagoner. I just understand the aspects of football. Of course, a team who has 5-star recruitment and coaching staff would have National Championship Titles again and again. Our defense is one of the best in the NATION.
2. "Do you even know any of their names?"
Why yes, yes I do. Jalen Hurts, JK Scott, Adam Griffith, Derek Kief, Bo Grant just to name a few.
3. "You just think the players are attractive."
I'll admit there are some really good looking guys on the team, but that's not the only reason I like Alabama. Have you seen their talent??
4. "You don't actually know anything unless you know the specific details of every player"
Well, I know that whether or not I know every single detail about them, they are still talented and will probably still be the #1 team in the SEC and one of the top teams in the nation for the foreseeable future.
5. "Nick Saban wouldn't win without .... on the team."
Every single player and coach on that team is vital to the game. Football is a team sport, not a solo one. So to say that without one player/or coach that Nick Saban wouldn't win is just ridiculous.
6. Some outrageous question that no one would ever know or care about such as "How many times did Nick Saban blink in the National Championship of 2016?"
I'm just going to not even respond...
We just beat the hell out of you! Rammer Jammer, Yellowhammer, give 'em hell, Alabama!