Growing up with a dog has probably been one my favorite things to do. Personally I have had two dogs that I remember, but one ran away when I was young, so now I have my pup Dakota. Dakota is a mix between a Corgi and a German Shepard. Below are things that all dog owners can relate to.
1. Coming home is always a huge ordeal with any dog because they are just so happy to see you. And it doesn't matter if you've been gone for five hours or five minutes they will always greet you with the same happy smile or bark.
2. Eating is never a simple feat in any dog owners house. They always think that you are making the best meal of their life whenever you are cooking.
3. Going outside is probably the time that you will find your dog the happiest because they have no idea if anything has changed outside and they need to find out. Also, that's where the squirrels are that are invading their yard.
4. Going for a ride is like being gifted the world to them. They will never know how to repay you except for them being allowed to stick their head out of the window, so they don't get slobber all over your nice car.
5. Bath time can be an interesting task if you have a dog that hates them. Personally, my dog hates them so much that he will put himself to bed in his cage if he sees your carrying the soap around. If you don't have a dog that hates baths, you're a lucky one.
6. But after all of this, being able to cuddle with your pup (big or small) is one of the most rewarding feelings. Because no matter what happened that day or how bad you feel, your dog will always love you.