1.) Fun.
What’s better than sitting at home during a late summer afternoon with nothing to do? Going to UCLA Orientation!!! Everyone there was happy, in unison, and doing the 8-clap was one of the best things ever.
2.) Late nights and early mornings.
We get back to the dorms as late as 2 AM and wake up for breakfast at 7 AM. I guess they’re getting us adapted to college life, huh?
3.) Amazing dining halls!
The dining hall is like a heaven for all food eaters. Well, I guess that means that it’s a heaven for all of us right?
4.) Friends EVERYWHERE!
It wasn’t even scary to meet new people – all you gotta do is approach them and talk to them! We all probably made more than 100 friends during orientation. And by the way, don't trust Smeagol:
5.) Stressful enrollment.
Ah, the enrollment day. Getting the classes you want is pretty hard. But if you’re lucky, you get all of the classes you wanted!
6.) Interesting presentations.
Yeah, we had to sit through 1, 2, or 3 hour presentations. But they were all meaningful and helpful. At least it was pretty interactive! I don't think the person in front of me thought the same way though... He looked like: