So, I'm in college. Which means that I'm studying. All the time. Which means that I'm sleeping the rest of the time. But somehow, between sleeping and studying, I manage to go to my classes, go to my job, write, and do some fun college extracurricular activities. Sometimes all at once, but still. Somehow.
With a schedule so intensely packed as mine, you can imagine how crazy it can get around MIDTERMS!
It was ugly, it was panicked, it was sleep-deprived; filled to the brim with late-night coffee runs and cookie jags, but it's over now and that's all that matters. You can probably imagine my immense relief. Especially since I think I aced them all!
So today, in order to further celebrate the end to the horror that is midterms, I present you with the first 6 things I did as soon as the midterm nightmare was over. Hopefully, once your own are over, you can join me. :)
1. EAT.
Um, hello. I barely had time to eat a cup of ramen with all the studying I had to do. Chocolate lava crunch cakes, pizza, Indian food, chicken tenders, Butterfingers? Food? Any food?
Um, hello!
2. Sleep~
Oh, heck yes. The average amount of sleep I got around midterms was maybe 4-5 hours per night. But the first day after my last midterm, I got 8 hours. And the second day, 12 hours. #livegud #noregrets
3. Book a trip.
As soon as midterms were over, I knew I needed a break. Not just from studying, but from college, in general.
The good thing about midterms is that they ended right before fall break! So as soon as they did, you better believe I booked tickets to head back home to Orlando. I can't wait to see my family and eat my mom's cooking again!
4. Go shopping!
Look, midterms are stressful. Life is stressful. But what you know what's not stressful? Buying FABULOUS clothes. Who doesn't love new things?
Now, I understand we're all broke college kids here. But keep an eye out for sales and clearances. The Barnes and Noble on campus had a mark-down discount AND AN ADDITIONAL 50% THE DAY OF WRITING THIS! I scored a super-cute sweater for $8. EIGHT DOLLARS! Chump change, practically. What better way to kick back and relax by scoring great deals? Look, life is stressful, but at least you'll look cute.
5. Hang out with friends!!!
This a big one. Midterms often isolate us college kids when it's time to study (or bring them together, if y'all all decide to suffer together in a study group), so when you're finally through with them, find your friends and give them a big hug. Get some Starbucks or Chipotle together. Catch up on life, in and out of college. Life is short, but college is shorter; you're going to want to cherish these times as much as you can! You may be struggling, but at least you're struggling together.
6. And, most importantly, TREAT YO SELF.
Essentially, the other items on this list culminate to this point. Midterms are a hurdle, and once you've gotten through them, you DESERVE a break. No matter how big or small. It may be just a coffee break, or a huge outing at a moon-cake festival. Either way, you've made it this far. You're a champion, and this is your medal. So take it!
So yes, midterms are over, and I'm super relaxed. I can't wait to experience what college has yet to throw at me...
...until finals week...