Being a first year student, I was thrown into the world of college in the beginning of September: independent living on campus and away from my family, tackling responsibility for myself, classes and activities as well as staying in touch with everyone-- family members and friends that I've been removed from. Sure, move in day was only a few months ago-- almost a whole semester ago, but in that time, I've learned a lot about myself, my family, and my friends. Here are some of the things I've learned in my short time being here, as well as why I these values are important.
1. No one's going to judge you
Contrary to what some may believe, the only people who will look down on your for dressing or acting a certain way are the ones who think they're higher and mightier than everyone else on campus. No one is going to give a damn if you have a makeup-less face, dress like a hobo to class or ride a scooter around campus (all three sound like amazing options, by the way). You're free to be whoever you want to be in college-- if anyone judges you, tell them to come talk to me. It's the most freeing place in the world, free from the degrading and judgmental halls of high school. So why pretend to be someone you're not when you can just be you?
2. You're your own person
If it wasn't already obvious enough, that you could control your own movements and no one else's, college reminds you that you don't have to follow what everyone else is doing. This kind of relates to the first point, but being yourself is something I cannot stress enough. If you want to enjoy what you like and not care, college allows you to do just that.
3. You discover what kind of habits you have
This one hit me so hard. Coming from a house where my mom would push me to clean up and keep a tidal space, I have tried to stay somewhat organized. "Tried" is the key word; cleaning days happen, laundry days happen, but within two-three days I have mounds of clothes on the floor that may or may not resemble mountains. I also have discovered the extent of my laziness. Picture this: freshman year, unlimited meal plan, The Denaples Center is a two minute walk downhill from my dorm, probably less than that. If I do not feel up to it, I will not leave my room or even my bed. I'll eat Poptarts as a meal because I'm too lazy to actually get protein and a nicely balanced meal (side note-- currently craving Poptarts).
4. Be open to new things.
You'll never get the real experience if you don't out yourself out there-join clubs, be social, be open. I was so shy the first couple of weeks because, even though my floor is smaller compared to almost all the other dorms, I was terrified of the girls who live on the second floor. I was intimidated (and still kind of am) because I have, without a doubt, been such a shy child growing up. And, as much as I've pushed myself to be more talkative and outgoing, I find it's so hard and definitely does not come naturally. But, my advice is to not be afraid, you'll see some pretty kick ass people.
If you believe it, you can do it; You can do anything you set your mind to; cheesy, yes, but all of these sayings actually mean something. College is hard, no doubt about that, but with all of the resources: tutoring, writing center, counseling, advising, etc, you have the opportunity to make the most out of your time on campus. If you're struggling with anything, there's always help around the corner. It just takes a little courage and a lot of determination and hard work, but everything will be worth it in the end.
6. Coffee is your best friend
This one doesn't even need an explanation. All I can say is, Starbucks has made me declare bankruptcy.
So, there's only six in the list among hundreds and thousands of lessons to possibly learn on a college campus. After only being here for a semester, it's safe to say that I'm enjoying my time at the University and can't wait for it to start getting warmer again! Keep in mind that there's only four years of schooling (minimum!) and to make the most out of the time you have. After all, half the school year is already over-- as scary as that is!
Until next time, think of a life lesson you learned while in college and how that's changed your life. I know mine entire perspective of college has changed and I'm so thankful it has.
Stay safe and happy