That is right the dreaded week has arrived: FINALS!! This is the part of the movie where the audience would hear the explosions and screams as people tried desperatly to prepare for the moment that has been dreaded. If a person were to show up on campus during finals week they would probably see many sweatpants and hoodies, because when that week comes around student's learn that comfort is better than appearance- if they have not already. However, if there is anything I have learned from my three different finals week its these six things: stress, prayer, food, late nights, the "I'll close my eyes for a second", and the relief.
Stress. Ya'll if you tell me you don't stress during finals week, I want to sit down and talk to you because that is some super human power unknown to me. Please tell me your secrets, because I am way too wired with stress with finals. Stress is not always in relation to the tests, either. Overall grades are so stressful to wait for. Sure they come from tests, but some classes are just tests and then waiting for that to came back at least a D which is the grade you can get and still pass for a lot of classes. Let me tell you I finished my finals yesterday and I STILL feel some of the stress as I relax.
Prayer. "Lord, its been a late night, and my mind is a bit fuzzy as I go into this. Take the wheel and lead me on. If I don't pass the test, let me pass the class." I laugh as I type this, but it is so true. This prayer has been spoken by me so many times as I enter a class for my final test. Prayer is a powerful thing, and let me tell you I am doing great, the prayer must be working.
Food. Food is always a safe assumption when wondering what a college student wants. I used to think it was a joke.... its not. I genuinly just want food during this week. Mostly to stress eat but details details. People eat to get away from studying for a bit as well as just because its food and you do need to eat. PARENTS AND LOVED ONES SEND YOUR COLLEGE STUDENT SOME FOOD- THEY WILL LOVE IT!
Late nighters. Just to give an idea about how these work during finals week- I was up for 24+ hours for a final project- first ever college all nighter might I add. I was feeling confident that I would never have to pull an all nighter. Its a mask- that late nighter will come and you realize at about midnight that a late nighter will happen. If you are lucky though, you have a break between finals and that time will be spent napping, because you just can't do anything anymore. Side note: naps are fine- just don't oversleep. Sometimes you have to stay up and it becomes an acceptance to reality for that night.
The lie. I am sure students tell themself plenty of lies during this time: "Oh, I'll study later." "I will wake up early and do this." "Just a few more minutes of this show... Then I will start." and "I'll close my eyes for a few minutes." ITS A TRAP! DO. NOT. DO. IT! Look sleep is important but if you are on a role and have a paragraph left- get it done then you do not have to wake up earlier. These statements pose a difficult time when you need to work- trust me. You sit down and suddenly you don't want to get back up for anything- not even the laptop you need to use to study.
Finally, the relief. YOU MADE IT! The week is over! Now, you go home and begin that wonderful break you deserve. This is what keeps many going throughout the week. That drive home could NOT BE ANY LONGER! The drive to the one place that holds many things: family, free food, and your bed. No more dorm bed. You get that comfy bed. Don't forget this stage, because this is an important thing to remember- sure you have all this stress during the tests, but when you are done you get to go and relax for roughly a month depending on where you go.
So, remember through all the stress and prayer- you get to go home at the end! You get to see how well you do throughout this semester. Most importanly don't forget to breathe, because in the end they are just tests- they do not determine your future. Also, when you are done- you're done. As everyone finishes their tests and begin Christmas break I want to say: MERRY CHRISTMAS!