Six Things Business Majors Hear from STEM Majors | The Odyssey Online
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Six Things Business Majors Hear from STEM Majors

Six Things Business Majors Hear from STEM Majors

Going to a university where a majority of students fall under the category of “STEM" majors, it is fairly common for business majors to not get the credit that we deserve. We understand the influence and impact STEM majors have on society, but without us, how far can that influence and impact really go?

Here are a few things that we are pretty tired of hearing on a regular basis:

1. “I wish my classes were as easy as yours!"

Yes, I may not be required to take quantum physics or molecular biology, but just because you can ace every physics test doesn't mean you have the capability to understand and apply economic theories or marketing concepts.

2. “It's okay, I can always transfer into business if engineering doesn't work out."

Not everyone has a business mindset. There are plenty of brilliant STEM majors that would not be able to effectively speak publically or think of creative market solutions.

3. “A 4.0 as a business major is like a 3.0 in my major…"

I get it… your course load is “tougher". But, with STEM degrees, one is almost guaranteed a job upon graduation with a decent GPA. Business majors, however, must earn higher GPAs and accumulate a good bit of out-of-class work experience and skills to be competitive in the job market.

4. “There are so many business majors out there, how do you plan on getting a job?"

This just goes back to the business mindset. We have to be competitive and willing to work our way up to our desired positions. Business majors produce entrepreneurs, marketers, advisors, CEOs, etc., so there are many opportunities to succeed.

5. “Oh, you must party a lot!"

It's college, so do you.

6. “Man, your life is going to be so boring with your 9-5 office job."

With everything becoming more international and competitive, those that graduate with a business degree are going to be required to go beyond their offices to be successful. And plus, to a business major, the idea of being in a boardroom is very appealing.

The bottom line is that business majors have value, and in the end, STEM professionals work hand in hand with business professionals to get the job done.

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