Getting engaged, planning your wedding and getting married are supposed to be some of the most joyous times of your entire life! Well, there are people in the world who like to say and ask some of the most annoying things that take that joy away from you and replace it with pure, unadulterated rage. Here are some of the things I hear almost on a daily basis that I'm absolutely sick of hearing. Who's with me?
1. "You'll change your mind."
If I hear someone tell me that I will change my mind one more time, I am going to absolutely lose my mind. Sure, you are probably right. I may, in fact, change my mind on some decision I have made thus far. That does not mean you have to tell me about it. I thought that changing my mind was up to me. Apparently, I was mistaken.
2. "When? Where? Who?"
Everyone is always so filled with questions! "When are you getting married?" "Where is the ceremony going to be?" "Who is going to be your flower girl?" If you come up to me to ask me one of these questions, I will probably make something up on the spot. But, let me put it to you frankly, if you have to ask, I probably haven't figured it out yet, or you aren't important enough to me to have told you when I did figure it out.
3. "You have time, there's no rush!"
Oh, my bad, I thought that what and when I do something for myself or my wedding was up to me. Again, apparently, I was mistaken. I don't recall a giant memo going out to everyone in the world telling them to constantly tell me what to do and at what speed I should do it. You don't know my life, so pretty please, with a cherry on top, stop telling me what to do with it.
4. "Are you excited?"
Yup, I am, well I was until you asked me this. This is a dumb question. Please disregard the eye-roll that made me pull a muscle in my face when you ask me this ridiculous question.
5. "When will you be starting a family?"
6. "When *insert name here* got married..."
Guess what, I don't care! Everything you are about to tell me is either completely outdated information or information I just do not care about. I consider myself smart enough to either plan this thing on my own or ask if I want to know something.
Happy wedding planning to all of you brides-to-be out there! Keep the haters at bay and enjoy this time! Have the wedding you and your fiancé want! You two are the only ones who need to be happy, remember that!