Sisters are great. They are perfect for late nights, ice cream runs, and movie marathons. Although sisters can be your best friends and biggest confidants, they also fight with you more than anyone else.
Here are the top six arguments I have had with my sisters.
1. Clothes.
No you can't borrow my favorite (insert article of clothing here), and yes, those are your pants you see on my closet floor. At a certain point, it no longer matters whether or not you like the article of clothing you are borrowing. The point of borrowing clothes is that they aren't yours, and you can sneak them into their laundry baskets and never have to do laundry. (This tends to make them mad for some reason.)
2. TV.
Yes, I understand that you want to watch The Office and I want to watch How I Met Your Mother, but I am right and you are wrong. At some point during this fight, one person will argue that they are so busy and will only have time for one episode (even though you have been fighting for 20 min). This is where you point out that all her things she has to do were her decision. In the end, you both ditch your responsibilities and spend the next two hours watching Just Go With It.
3. Music In The Car.
If I hear one more musical theatre song, my ears are going to burst. It's my car, so I get to play the music I want. This train of thought usually works until your sister (the passenger) begins to punch you (the driver). At this point, you need to cave for the safety reasons unfortunately.
4. Favorite Child.
I am the favorite, but for some reason, my sister has the delusion that she is the favorite. This argument will follow you for the rest of your life. Whether you attempt to prove it through Christmas gifts, parties, or calling your parents more often, no one will ever truly win this battle.
5. Front Seat.
Everyone wants it. Your parents will try rotations, schedules, and shouting "Figure it out," but in the end, there will always be a fight because getting the front seat means power and authority over those backseat heathens.
6. Getting the Last (insert item here).
Who gets the last soda? Who gets the last brownie? Anything that only has one item left will be fought over. Fighting for 20 min and not speaking for 2 days over who gets the last bowl of queso is extremely worth it. This is also a very good educator on bartering. Trading 3 cookies for the last bowl of ice cream is an extremely wise and well thought out decision.
Sisters. There is no one more fun to fight with. I would never trade my sisters or who they are for anyone else.