New place, new vibes, tons of adaptation. Here are a few things I can't get used to:
1. U-Turns
So I would say I'm used to doing them but I'm still not used to the concept. I make so many U-turns every single day. It's a strange day for me if I DON'T make a U-turn. They annoy me because it's like making a left turn: stressful and impossible to do during rush hour. Not only do you have to leave yourself not enough time to do it, you have to maneuver your car to make sure you do a proper U-turn and you stay on the road.
2. Progress with Construction
Coming from a place where it seems as though the orange cones, torn up roads and construction vehicles are placed in multiple areas and actual progress seems to never be made, it's quite refreshing being in a place where shit actually gets done by the date originally stated. Good job, Florida.
3. The Weather
Now I know this is gonna take some time to get used to obviously because I still have thick winter prepared blood. But it still baffles me that I'm running around outside in mid January with shorts and t-shirts while potentially still sweating through them. Sometimes I forget I'm in Florida, and I'll walk outside ready to cringe up because of the expectation of cold weather, and I realize where I am and end up looking dumb to all of my neighbors.
4. The Lack of Seasons
I definitely miss having four distinctive seasons, especially fall. I even miss winter a teeny, tiny, microscopic bit. And I gotta be honest, I love my fall/winter wardrobe SO much better than munch summer wardrobe. But I guess I'll take an average of 70 degree weather all year round, if I have to.
5. All the Different Birds
Yeah I'm kinda weird and am super fascinated by birds (well, and animals in general) but the birds down here are so freaking cool. My favorite thing is when I'm driving to work over the bay, watching the pelicans dive bomb for food in the water. I also still get surprised seeing these huge birds with long ass legs chilling on the side of the road giving no cares as to what they are doing. I love it but it still freaks me out every now and then.
6. The Awful Drivers
Yeah I said it. Floridians are awful drivers, and I don't think I will ever get used to how they drive. Nothing they do will ever cease to shock and surprise me. I guess driving on flat, straight roads all the time doesn't condition you for much. But it's fine, I try my best to teach them a thing or two about Pittsburgh driving.