Do you remember the first time it was offered to you to compete in the school talent show? Maybe it was third grade, maybe you and your friends had the genius and original idea to choreograph a dance to a Hannah Montana song, and maybe you look back on that memory and cringe. You cringe because the dance was atrocious, and you understand that now, watching the recording and thinking "all those ballet and hip hop classes and it still looks like the devil is possessing my body in slow motion." At the time, you thought dancing was your talent, but you were obviously sadly mistaken. There was a time you thought maybe your talent was singing; wrong again according to the choir director who put you as far from the microphone as possible. Then maybe you thought you were a little more unique, and maybe your talent would be surfing or writing slam poetry, or doing all kinds of crazy back-flips. Every time you thought something would be your talent, you ended up being average at best at the activity. You're not talentless, you just haven't found it yet. If you're like me and you're still trying to find out what your talent is, here are the six talents you probably at some point wished you had because well, they're awesome and often lead to fame and fortune.
1. Dancing
How do they make it look so easy? Dancers are so cool and have muscles I could only dream of having. Have you seen ballerinas' calves? They are jacked. Your calves, like mine, probably jiggle, and maybe that can be your talent, jiggling calves.
2. Singing
Singing is so fun. I bet it's even more fun when you're really good at it. You could sing for your grandparents, your friends, maybe your children one day, and for the world at large. If you could sing you'd be able to use your own voice as a weapon for magical and harmonious goodness.
3. Playing an Instrument
Telling anyone that you're in a band immediately makes them think you're cool. Unless you're 36 and still haven't been discovered, in which case maybe playing the instrument isn't your talent and you should probably move on and get a real job. Playing an instrument really well is a guarantee that you'll win any talent show. Either you rock, or you're as classy and dignified as they come.
4. Sports
Some people are decent at many sports, but its rare when someone has one sport that they're amazingly gifted at. Almost everyone is fascinated by sports, so if playing a sport was your talent, everyone would be fascinated by you! You could even become what they call "the greatest." Why are only sports people "the greatest?" Nobody refers to Emeril Lagasse as "the greatest" but didn't everyone view him as the most spectacular chef?
5. Comedy
You might think you're funny but you probably can't stand in front of crowd for an hour and tell jokes that consistently make everyone laugh. Stand-up comedy takes a lot of guts and a lot of public speaking practice, but if you are truly funny, you could make a full career out of it, make a bunch of comedy movies and maybe even get your own late night show.
6. Art
How cool would it be to just make stuff and sell it to people who want to showcase it in their homes or museums? Art makes up a huge part of culture, so you'd also be representing people during your time. Being really good at painting or drawing always impresses people.
Even though you may not have one of the "cool" talents, I know you're filled with other awesome talents, maybe some you still haven't discovered! Our talents and the ways in which we utilize them make us who we are and that's pretty cool in and of itself.