Okay I get it, it's a touchy subject. Talking about a woman's menstrual cycle is "gross" and it's something that a man couldn't possibly understand. But it's a part of our lives so let's be mature about this. I'm sure that every male has come in contact with an angry female who was menstruating and felt her wrath and heard her complain. He may have known that it was the underlying reason why she was upset for no reason. Many of them play it off as "oh, it couldn't possibly be that bad." "How bad could it be?" "You're being dramatic." Depending on the female the severity of her symptoms and frustration may very. For many of us, myself included, it's a dreadful few days. Here are are struggles females go through once a month.
1. It's this awful thing that sometimes creeps up on you when you're least expecting it
In class, at work, while you're sleeping, working out, on a date. Our period has no chill and will come any time it pleases with no regard for the fact that we're wearing our favorite underwear on a date with a hot guy. It will show up anyway. Some women can track when it's coming to a T but, sometimes it comes out of nowhere at the worst times when you have no access to tampons or pads.
2. It's PAINFUL!!!
Many of us have period symptoms days leading up, some of us have it the day it arrives, and some of us have it before and during. Regardless, it's painful. It feels like there are tiny soldiers at war inside of our uterus.
3. It messes up our emotions
It's not unlikely for a girl who is on her period to drop a bottle of shampoo in the shower and shed a few tears. It makes some females more emotional than others, but I personally cried watching Gilmore Girls because Dean and Rory broke up and It was just too much for me because I was emotional. Half the time we're upset a few days before and then our period comes and we're like oh yeah I knew it there was a reason I've been upset for absolutely not reason at all. The mood swings can be horrendous and bless the boyfriends and friends who put up with it.
4. Is it hot in here?
With menstruation, can come hot flashes. One minute we want a heating pad on our backs and stomach, but we're also burning up and sweating. I often find myself laying in front of a fan or a vent wondering why I feel like I'm in the Sahara dessert.
5. Our whole body aches
Where's my heating pad? It never fails. My back aches and so does everything else. I end up in all sorts of yoga poses. If you need me you can find me laying on my back somewhere with my legs up on the wall covered in tears and chocolate.
6. We want to eat everything we see... especially chocolate
Bring on the binge eating. We will eat anything and lots of it. My cravings range anywhere from hot Cheetos to a bucket of KFC chicken and don't forget the chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.
If you're a male you won't understand what it feels like, and if you're a female you wish you didn't.