1. Communication Research is the WORST class you will ever have
Prepare yourself now because COM 381 will be the death of you or it will a least come close. The research professorteaches this class like it is a Graduate level class. He is famous for these two phrases "AVOID STUPIDITY" and Mary Poppins's "Practically Perfect in Every Way" and he means your work. How this class works is you have a research proposal and research assignments and on the assignments you can only have three mistakes per page or you get an F and if your really lucky he will give you an F-, which practically means to start over, I didn't even know F-existed. He does give you chances to redo it, but there are not many people who get A's on them and if they do those people go down in history along with the people who gets an A in the class. He only believes in A's, C's and F's when it comes to the assignments. If that wasn't enough you still have exams and the proposal to worry about not to mention all the other things in your life. Also let not forget about the math, yes math, just when you thought this class couldn't get any worse. This professor is a very smart man and you will learn a lot from him, but there is no slacking in this class, because he will fail students and I know many students who have dropped out of school, switched to liberal studies, switch to a minor in Communications, or who have transferred all because of this class. My best advice for you is to go to his office for help, he will help you.
2. This Department Will Kick Any Fear of Public Speaking Out of You
If standing in front of people makes you what to pass out, than the communication department is not for you. Every students at Cal U has to take a public speaking course, but the ones that are terrified of it they can opt to take the online course. However, if you are a students with a major in Communication specifically with a concentration in Public Relations every class you take there will be public speaking. Whether it is by yourself or in a group, you will be standing in front of people talking. I personally came into the department a little shy, but by senior year I could stand in front of an auditorium of people and not be nervous. Now, if you what to stay in the communication with a fear of public speaking Radio/TV concentration maybe better suited for you.
3. There is a lot of Writing
If you don't like writing than leave the communication department, because there is a lot of it. Whether it's papers, proposal, press releases, plans, fact sheets or articles you will always be writing something.
4. Internships are a MUST
Ever since the first day I sat down in class all the way up till I graduated I heard how important internships were. I ended my college career with three internships and I valued every experience. Internships are not required in the communication department, but we are told time and time again how we should get one. What I never understood was the fact that you can't even receive an internships for credit until you have 21 credits in the major, which ended up begin junior year. One thing that I feel to be true is the fact that you have to have an internship if you what any chance of a job after college in the field of communication. Yes, it is an annoyance hearing the professors say you need an internship and seating through all the internships presentations, but you need to go out network an make connections, get experience outside the classroom and internships do that.
5. Scheduling is a Pain
Unless your a senior you will experience the joys of the needs list. In the com department at Cal U you have your set of classes for each semester, but here is the twist they only offer one session in most cases. Like Research, Law and Policy, Public Relations Applications, or cases and problems there is only one session offer once a year and they only let 25 students in the class, but in the end there will be more than that in the class. Therefore, this leaves the ones who need it, but can't get in on their schedule to go to the needs list in hopes you get in the class and if they can't they have to wait a whole another year.
6. If The Research Professor doesn't scare you away, The Law and Policy Professor might.
If you have a concentration in Public Relations than you may have/had the pleasure of having The Law and Policy Professor during your time in the department. You read the above paragraph about the research professor if you survived him let's see if you survive the law and policy professor, especially if you are a female. Yes, the law and policy professor is known to be sexist, hard to understand, and very confusing in what he whats from his students. All of the classes I have had with him have been at night and group related projects. Out of all the classes I had with him Law and Policy had to be the worst, maybe it was my group or that semester,but I wanted to pull my hair out. Throughout the whole class many students think they are going to fail, because of the first exam scores, which no one that I know gets an A on and he never puts anything on D2L. He also like to say how horrible for a class you are and if you give a presentation he will ask you questions and you better be prepared to answer especially if you are a female. Also if you don't know a word or something ask a classmate not ask him. Students don't like him and the head of the department doesn't like him. Also don't email him he won't response. You can get through his classes just make sure you take it with friends.
Now if you make through all these struggles congratulations you have graduated from the Communication Studies Department!