6-String vs 12-String Guitars – Which Should You Choose? | The Odyssey Online
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6 string guitar vs 12 string guitar

What are the differences between a 12 string and a 6 string guitar

6 string guitar vs 12 string guitar

The guitar itself is basically an evolved lute. This most famous strumming instrument typically comes with six strings which play six individual notes: E, A, D, G, B, and E. Apart from the traditional six strings, there is also the next common and equally famous 12 string guitars. One of the most common 12-string guitars includes the Oscar Schmidt 12 string guitars. On this platform, we are going to focus mainly on these two guitars. So, hold on to your breeches and learn musically.

The 12 String-Guitar

These guitars are tuned much the same way as the 6 string guitars are but, instead of a single set of six notes, they have two sets. This makes it produce a richer and more ringing tone than a standard 6 string guitar. They add extra jangle and shimmer to your guitar playing. If you want to know more click here


The sound produced by the twelve-string guitar is fuller and more robust and complex than that produced by the six-string one.

It isn't hard to handpick


Twice as many strings, which mean spending more money on string replacement, more time on replacing the strings and twice as many strings to keep in tune.

They have wider necks, which make it harder to reach certain chords. The increased density between the strings makes it harder to pull off some bends while sounding clean

Much heavier than the six-string guitar because of its heavier thicker neck this, in turn, might make it uncomfortable for some people to play.

Fretting strings is much harder. There is more pressure required to press down two strings on a twelve-string guitar for everyone on a six-string guitar. This will become evident when you play barre chords. Especially when you may be required to bare all twelve strings at once.

The 6 String-Guitar

The six-string guitar has a single set of strings. This guitar may not have the robust sound that is characterized by the twelve-string guitar, but it still has its own sound with an infinite number of tones and pitches depending on the tuning. Did you know that most guitar music was written for six-string guitars? Now you know.


Over a total range of about 8 octaves in pitch. At least three of these are from harmonics and four from fretted notes.

Good tone quality because the guitar has continuous variables of parameters that affect tone quality ranging from finger placement on the fret to an angle of picking strings.

It is lighter thus affords comfort while playing.


The most obvious disadvantage would be the lack of a richer sound.

Final Words

Whether you are a newbie in the music scene or you have a much longer interest in music, we'll help you figure the best guitar for you. For the right kind of songs, a twelve-string guitar is a blessing of sorts. But, be ready for a good deal more of maintenance. As for beginners and intermediate guitar players, the six-string is best for you as it is essential for learning barre chords and soloing.

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