So you wanna meet a boy. Well, you’ve probably met some already, out in the wild you call a college campus, now it’s just a matter of starting a conversation, add a little flirtation, and let it go from there. I’ve boiled it down to six steps to dating success, as follows:
1. Make an Impression
Preferably not by falling on your face, but I’m sure you could recover. You could try to make him laugh a bit, or tell him something about yourself he’ll remember. Or maybe you want to tease him about the football team on his shirt, or ask him if his hair could get any higher. Play around, be someone he might remember and might come back to. Leave him with a memory, and make sure you take something with you...
2. Get His number...or Snapchat
A Snapchat versus a real phone number have very different connotations. So, what are you going for? Snapchat is casual, you’ll check out their story, exchange some selfies and photos from what’s going on around you. It’s much more visual, they see you’re cute, you know they’re cute. You just want to constantly remind them until you can make something happen. A phone number has a bit more weight with it. A phone number means you’re going to be having some real conversations, getting to know each other. Or maybe just texting them funny stories about the dude who fell asleep in front of you in class. Either way, there’s some more depth to it. What are you looking for? This leads me to….
3. Figure Out What You’re Looking For
Know if you want a fling or a relationship. Both are good options, but think about where you’re at. Do you have time for a boyfriend? Do you want to open up to someone? Are you able to handle a fling with less attachment? In order to move forward, know what you’re hunting for or else you might get caught up in something and realize too late that it was a mistake. 21st century people, everyone has the sexual freedom to ask for less than an exclusive heterosexual relationship
4. Start Off More Casual
You can’t expect him to realize you're the love of his life in the first 24 hours. Wait a month or so. Don’t put too much pressure on things right away; start talking to him slowly. Message him through his story, play fun at his squad, ask if he’s a deadhead when you see the shirt in his selfie. Go back and look at the selfie a few more times because daaammmn. Text him a funny story about the boy who fell asleep in front of you in class. Show him you’re funny, or clever, let him get to know you a bit as a friend.
5. No Friend Zone
Okay yes, I said get to know him a bit as you would a friend. It’s important to genuinely like a person before the physical comes in. But, you don’t want to lock yourself in the friendzone either. Get your flirt on a bit: a compliment here, a double entendre there. Don’t talk about other boys, unless it’s a completely platonic friend. Don’t bash an ex, he’ll think you’re not over him, don’t tell him his friend is cute, he’ll assume you’re interested in him instead.