Internships are a great way to explore what you want to do with your life. They give you experience that is priceless and can help you immensely in paving your career path, even if it means eliminating certain positions from your list of dream jobs.
Getting a glimpse of what a 'real' job entails can be an amazing experience, but it is definitely a journey in itself. You don't just walk into your new internship knowing what you are doing, what you are expected to do or where you will end up, but the fun is in the unknown.
Here are the six stages you go through when interning for a new company.
1. The "I'm scared to do anything"
Starting a new position can be scary, especially when you have little to no experience with the job. You may feel nervous to do anything in fear of doing it completely wrong. Don't worry, because you are not alone. We all feel this way at a new company.
2. Asking tons of questions
"Where does this go?" "What do you think of this?" "Who is this for?" "What are we doing next?" "Am I doing this right?" The question list goes on and on, but that is OK. You are there to learn, so ask away! Sometimes the questions may feel dumb, but people are usually more than happy to share information with you.
3. I kind of know what I'm doing
You start to feel more comfortable doing tasks, but you still need that reassurance that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. Doing things on your own might still be scary, but you are starting to dabble in them.
4. Maybe not...
You will make mistakes. There is no getting around this. You aren't there to be perfect at your job right away; you are there to learn the necessary skills to succeed in the real world. This includes learning from the mistakes you make.
5. Well oiled machine
Before you know it, you will be taking charge of your tasks and maybe even doing them before you are even asked. You are able to anticipate what is needed to be done in your company and know how to do it. You might still have questions here and there, but at this point you have become pretty independent and confident in your abilities.
6. Saying goodbye
This stage is by far the hardest. After a whole summer of getting to know your co-workers, it's hard to just up and leave after you complete your internship hours. It's no longer a 'you' and 'them' situation; you have become a part of 'them.' The people within the company have become dear friends and you can't even imagine going about your work week without them. It's hard to say goodbye, but you know that you must continue on in your college journey. In the end, you know that you learned a whole lot about not only the job, but the company, the people and even yourself.
If you have the chance to do an internship, do it! They are so helpful in figuring out what you want to do with your life and can even lead you into another job! Explore your options. Try things out. You never know what you might find out in the big world of careers.