Getting a little is like having a child, you want everything to be perfect and ready for when they get here. Crafting for them is a hard task and you've either been here or will be one day so be prepared for the 6 stages of crafting.
The first stage is hype because you’re supper hyped to get a little and want to give her the perfect basket with all the things. You get ambitious, buy a ton of craft supplies and paint like 3 backgrounds.Planning
Now you decide you need a game plan and need to actually pin ideas. You create a mega Pintrest board and rack up over 100 pins. You think I can manage this lets go.Realization
You realize that you are nowhere near as crafty as you thought. (I am currently here).Freak out
You freak out because you’re little won’t have the best basket ever and you just want to be the best big in the world.Cramming
you cram in all the crafting you should have done before that you put off because you didn’t think you could do it.Relief
When you give your little her basket and she loves it. It may not be the best but you made it and your little appreciates it.To all my friends stressing over crafting its okay! Your little will be excited about everything else and love you and her basket no matter what. (Also don't be afraid to ask your sisters or mom for help)