1. Complaining is a thing. Always. If you can’t complain, you might as well leave.
Complaining about the production.
Complaining about food.
Complaining about lack of food.
We even complain about complaining.
2. We have an innate distrust of all programs that are “simple.”
3.That time when the stage asks you to come early.
4.We don’t like actors. At least most of the time.
Yes, there is that rare actor we like. Sometimes, because they have worked stage crew before. But most of the time, we aren’t the biggest fans of actors. They are in the way and generally don’t understand what we have to do. Now, in all fairness, they probably could accurately say the same of us. Not that matters.
5. What happens on headset stays on headset.
This doesn’t really need to be explained. The headset is the sacred ground of stage crew. Nothing said ever goes beyond the headset. It’s like our own Vegas. Just minus the chance of bankruptcy.
6. In the end, however, we do really love our job.
Usually, we wait until after the production is done to say this but we really do. We love working stage and wouldn’t have it any other way.