6 Spooky Netflix Shows To Binge If You’re Not Ready For Halloween To Be Over | The Odyssey Online
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6 Spooky Netflix Shows To Binge If You’re Not Ready For Halloween To Be Over

(Other Than The Walking Dead or AHS)

6 Spooky Netflix Shows To Binge If You’re Not Ready For Halloween To Be Over

Halloween has come and gone, and for many of us that means throwing in our costumes, nursing our candy-supplemented hangovers, and returning to school life. The holiday may be over, but you can still get a little taste of the Halloween spirit with a huge assortment of horror shows on Netflix! Whether you're a hardcore horror fanatic who likes their shows bloody and tense, or you just enjoy a spookier twist to your usual comedies and dramas, we've got you covered with a list of the most binge-worthy post-Halloween Netflix series.

For the sake of putting out some newly-debuted and underrated options, I avoided including American Horror Story and The Walking Dead, but fans of both will have plenty to choose from! Netflix is overflowing with sensationally spooky shows, shows like...


iZombie is a TV series adaptation of a comic book, so you already know it’s going to have a fun, unique style. The show follows Liv Moore (pun definitely intended), a young doctor whose life is suddenly turned upside-down after a drug-fueled boat party goes horribly wrong. Liv discovers, to her dismay, that she has become a zombie. Obviously, this brings on an existential crisis, and she has to entirely uproot her life. Breaking up with her fiancé and taking a new job as a medical examiner, Liv discovers that she can solve the murders of the people admitted to the morgue by eating their brains and gaining access to that person’s living memories. With a cast of fun, lovable characters, a ton of drama, and a uniquely superhero-esque campiness to it, iZombie is a binge-worthy show even for those who aren’t really into scares or gore.

Stranger Things

Okay, you expected this one. The show EVERYONE is talking about. Stranger Things’ second season came out on Netflix on October 27th, and you’ve probably (definitely) heard your friends raving about it. Stranger Things is a mystery that quickly turns into an exploration of the supernatural, and the show’s atmosphere is absolute perfection. Heavily influenced by 80s films and Stephen King novels, Stranger Things wraps everything you love about old-school horror and coming-of-age stories into one neat package. Think of it as a crazy mix of Stand By Me, The Goonies, Firestarter, and a whole big barrel full of monsters and psychological turmoil. It’s thrilling, heartwarming (the characters are wholesome and well-thought out, with a perfect assortment of quirks and flaws), and definitely deserving of all the praise it’s received.


Taking a page from American Horror Story, Slasher is a new-story-every-season mystery show jam-packed with gore. Inspired by whodunit stories and classic slasher films (think Halloween and Scream), Slasher currently has two seasons available for streaming. Each season centers on a different villain, and a small group’s efforts to combat the villain while also discovering his/her identity. With over-the-top gore (there’s SO MUCH corn syrup and latex), constant plot twists, and a lot of drama between the characters (you’ll definitely be digging deep into your bag of popcorn wondering who’s cheating on who even as the characters are being gruesomely killed off), Slasher is an edge-of-your-seat, watch-it-with-friends murder drama you won’t want to miss.

Penny Dreadful

This one is a personal favorite of mine, as a Lit major obsessed with the Victorian Era. Penny Dreadful is a quirky and aesthetically gorgeous twist on Gothic novels and short stories, with all of your favorite classic literary characters coming together to fight demons (how cool is that?). Blending together Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Picture of Dorian Gray (and alluding to many more stories from that period), Penny Dreadful follows the story of Vanessa Ives, a young woman who discovers she is part of an ancient prophecy predicting the end of the world. Aided by her globetrotting mentor, an American sharpshooter, and an odd doctor with a dark secret, she tries to prevent the apocalypse while searching for her missing friend, Mina. With plot-twists abound and some truly creepy moments (the witches are pure nightmare fuel, and Eva Green’s acting is terrifically unsettling), Penny Dreadful pokes at deep, human fears like the innate evil of man, while also providing some serious surface-level frights. Anyone who’s a fan of the Gothic or who wants their usual period dramas a little darker would definitely enjoy this show.

Twin Peaks

This is a weird one, and if you’re not into weird, you may want to skip it. But if self-aware 80s cheesiness and surrealism are your thing, this David Lynch series might just be your new favorite show. Originally premiering in early 1990, Twin Peaks has recently been rebooted, but the original is still up on Netflix. FBI agent Dale Cooper is called into the small town of Twin Peaks, Washington to investigate the mysterious death of a local teen, and then things get weird. Like seriously weird. Weird enough that longtime fans of the show still debate over what’s actually going on in this series. If you’re into goofy, over-the-top acting, nonsensical plots, and off-beat humor, you’ll definitely get as many laughs out of this quirky show as you do scares (of which there are plenty, as you get to know the show’s villain).


Last but certainly not least on our list is the British demon-hunter drama, Crazyhead. Focusing on characters with mental illnesses (who, perhaps because of their neurodivergence, are able to see the true forms of demons masquerading as normal people), Crazyhead is surprisingly heartening and human. Besides being incredibly progressive (a horror show that portrays people with mental illnesses as complex human beings rather than sociopathic villains? Sign me up!) this dark comedy is chock-full of really creepy moments and spooky special effects. Alongside the chilling plot points and existential crises there’s plenty of rom-com humor and genuine friendship, so even non-horror fans can find something to enjoy. If you’re looking for something fresh, funny, and hopeful, Crazyhead is a great choice.

We're all sad that Halloween is over, but Netflix has our backs, and if you're not ready to throw in your plastic fangs just yet, these shows will surely give you your horror fix.

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