The transition between High School and College is a tough one. You go from waking up in your parents' house every day, taking the same easy classes every day and seeing the same friends every waking up in a small space with roommates, paying thousands of dollars to take very hard classes and spending every day with hundreds of people in a classroom that you have never met. In order to complete the transition successfully, ending with a ton of awesome new friends, good grades and maybe even a positive bank account balance, here are six social habits that need to end the second you walk across the stage at high school graduation.
1. Petty girl drama
Everyone comes to college with intent to make new friends and get away from cliques. Instead of being exclusive when going out or studying, leave high school and enter college with the "the more the merrier" attitude, cliques are no longer a thing beyond grade school!
2. Wearing UGG Boots
Nice, paying two hundred dollars to wear an animal's skin on your feet. Ditch the clunky fur-ball feet and talk to an Environmental Studies or Animal Science major.
3. Being glued to social media
After leaving high school you find yourself constantly surrounded by more interesting and fun people. Instead of being the person at a party, sitting in the corner scrolling through Twitter to hear the latest hometown drama, live in the moment and enjoy the new people you're able to be around, you will end up so much happier, and you'll probably learn a thing or two!
4. Asking your parents for money.
College is meant for learning to adult. Get a job, learn to earn money for yourself and understand that this part of your life is all about being broke and not spoiled!
5. Wearing your high school varsity athletic clothes.
You have the ability to make whatever you want out of yourself in college. It's an opportunity to start fresh and make any reputation you want. Wearing clothes that indicate you were a high school athlete does not impress anyone at this point, all athletes that made it to their senior year have experienced varsity too, it's nothing special. Support your current school instead!
6. Relying on others
No more going over homework answers as a class, no more extra credit. The bills have to be paid, and there is only one person to blame for bad grades, low income or anything else! You can rely on one and only one person now and that is yourself!
Welcome to the new world high school graduates! It's time to become the person you want to be and experience the real work. It's time to grow up!