After many, many years of being single, I found myself in a steady relationship for the first time in my life. However, since the majority of my friends are single, I look back and remember those little goofy things that I did back then. Don't get me wrong, I am not single shaming anyone, being single is a great thing, but with my goofy personality, I did some stupid and silly things while I was single:
1. Assume that EVERYONE was hitting on me
If I made awkward eye contact with anyone, they wanted to date me. I was a romance magnet, and couples would be jealous of me because I had all my options open. Now that I look back, I don't think happy couples wanted to be single me.
2. Getting bent out of shape every SINGLE time someone asked if I was single.
"Boyfriend" or "girlfriend" used to be trigger words to me. Someone asking you if you are single was literally like giving me a death sentence, and I got so emotional for no reason. I should've been flattered that someone actually cared about me enough to ask about my life.
3. Hating couples just because they existed.
Whether singles believe it or not, couples are not out to make you feel lonely. If couples try to annoy anyone, it is normally other couples who they want to look better than. When I was single anything "lovey" about a relationship made me want to puke. Singles tend to avoid couples like the plague.
4. Stop believing love was an ACTUAL thing.
Just because we aren't currently in love doesn't mean that it is a myth, or that love is something only in fairy tales. First of all, romantic love isn't the only type of love in the world. Self-love is one of the most important types of love, yet we overlook it unless we are in a relationship sometimes.
5. Believing I was incapable of love.
Once again, I was lacking much of self-love during many of my single phases. I believed that love wasn't meant for me because no one could handle me, but truth is whether love is romantic or not, others are always capable of loving you.
6. That your time of being in love is OVER.
As a single, I talked about my once loves like I would never experience those joyful feelings that I had ever again. It was like someone killed off the main character in my fairytale. Old loves are great, but new loves or truer loves will out do many things that you had felt in the past. Simply because they were your past, not future.
Overall, being single is not the end of the world. I know for many teens and young adults it feels like it is at times, or that everyone is in a relationship but you. Honestly, being single can be the best thing for you every once in a while. If I hadn't have been single for so long, I definitely would not have been prepared for the relationship I am in now. Self-love opened me up to many different types of love, so don't get down just because you are single. Get up because you love yourself!