English majors are a different breed of people. We have a love/ hate relationship with writing and reading. We torture ourselves by looking at book descriptions (even though we know we have no time to read them). We live and breathe and appreciate the art of writing more than anyone else.
1. We love quotes from books. I know that I am that girl that shares "50 best quotes for..." on everything. I love reading quotes by authors of all sorts, especially ones that I can pinpoint exactly where it is from. (It's also awesome when you use them in conversation and someone picks up on them).
2. We ask for books for all holidays. Christmas? Check. Birthday? Check. Any other holiday that we get gifts, chances are we are asking for the books that we are too poor to actually buy...a novel by every college student.
3. We have a little book full of writing ideas. Maybe I'm just speaking for myself, but I know that I have a little book of my own quotes, story ideas, and just any kind of idea that pops into my head. My mind is constantly running and I'm constantly jotting down ideas because you never know when you are going to need them.
4. We know we aren't science majors, but we do work really hard. We may not be studying mechanisms all the time, but chances are we are reading or writing constantly. We usually take at least two English courses a semester which means a whole lot of writing and even more reading. And P.S., we hate being told we have easy majors.
5. If there is anyone that appreciates writing more than us, let me know. When you have to sit down and put together a poem or a short story, you never really understand how hard it is to flawlessly put together a sentence or a scene. These things take time and so many revisions that it actually hurts. We definitely appreciate the classics and contemporary writing a whole lot more knowing all of the work that goes into them since we have to do things like this ourselves.
6. We may or may not have tattoos that are quotes from our favorite books. I have so many friends that have a quote or two tatted on their body (myself included). Granted tattoos aren't for everyone, but if they are...chances are you have one or two of these bad boys.
We are the future writers of the world. Go us!