It was entertaining when I would visit all of my cousins as a kid. 90% of the time I'd be excited to seem them again. 10% of the time, I always knew the hell they would throw upon me. If you are the youngest cousin of your family, you will relate to these curses/blessings that you received upon being the "Golden Child."
1. You are roasted every time you meet up
You're the Meg Griffin of the fam! You are frequently reminded of the events that happened when you were a kid. May it being that time you got your sister in trouble and she couldn't go to the amusement park, or stepping on and shattering your cousins glasses in Kindergarten. There's no stopping them, but you own up to it!
2. Inside jokes that last a lifetime.
In 3rd grade, my cousin and sister decided to make the joke that they see in black in white, I gave a couple chuckles. Then the joke decided to last for, literally, ten years. Every time I'm around them and color comes into the conversation, they are still going at it saying "You KNOW we can't see color! How DAAARE you!" It slowly tortures your brain.
3. You are the CHOSEN ONE
Whether you are called the Golden Child, Chosen One, The Favorite, Brown Noser, or whatever, you were believed to be the one all of the adults desired. You got the "Get out of Jail free card" by giving your adorable puppy dog face whenever you did something wrong. Whether this was proven or not, all I can say is...
4. You had to do things amongst your will
(Yes, that is a picture of me as Donald Trump) Circa '09
Whether it was from your cousins or your family, you were their canvas. Everything you were told to do, you did it. Chances are you have tried to erase all memories of those times they have done makeup tutorials and you were forced to be the model. It was worth it at the end of the day though, now you have some hysterical pics.
5. You will always be seen as the young one
Even if you won the Nobel Peace Prize, cured the Zika virus, and solved the mystery of Emelia Earhart, you will still be refered to as: Brando Boy, B-ran, B-Boy, Bran-muffin, Bran Flakes, Brandini, etc. It may seem a little frustrating now, but I guarantee you'll like it when you're 60 and trying to pretend you're in your 20's still.
6. You have thick skin
After all of those years of getting pushed around and of wondering if they really did see in black and white, you can handle it. You're a certified Badass and it helped you grow into the person you are today. They prepared you for the real world, and you can handle anything that is in your way. So at the end of the day, it is pretty darn cool to be the youngest cousin!
P.S. but seriously, do you guys really see in black and white?!