It is no doubt that Shetland sheep dogs are a very loving dog breed. They are extremely intelligent and playful dogs. They are world-class competitors in obedience, agility and herding trials. They're loyal and affectionate but also (loud) watch dogs. These "mini Lassies" make a great addition to any home. But like any dog breed, they have their quirks too!
Check out these signature sheltie traits, does your sheltie do this?
1. Sheltie spin
Shelties are known to jump and spin in circles when they're excited. My sheltie is notorious in our neighborhood for chasing cars while running across our front lawn and spinning in circles.
2. Herding children and animals
The herding instinct is strong in Shelties, originally used to help shepherds herd their sheep. Many shelties are known for herding small children, other dogs and animals, and some even cars.
3. Sheltie talk
Sheltie talk is any noise a sheltie makes that isn't a bark or whine. Shelties are very chatty pups and make some pretty interesting sounds. Our old sheltie could say "Merry Christmas" when prompted.
Shelties shed. A lot.
5. Fear of thunderstorms and fireworks
It's true that most dogs don't like thunderstorms and fireworks. But most shelties are on high-alert for strange noises and these loud noises especially bother shelties.
6. Sheltie smile
Sheltie's long snouts give them the appearance of a smile when hanging open.