Every parent wishes they could wrap their kids in a bunch of bubble-wrap to prevent them from getting injured, but most EMT parents would wrap them in bubble-wrap with the correct medical tape, neck brace and helmet along with it.
1. You always wore a helmet when riding your bike.
As a kid, only the coolest of the cool got to ride their bikes without a helmet. I mean, who wants to wear a giant, ugly, and sweaty helmet in the summer? But if our parents even got a whiff of us getting on our bike without a helmet, we were in it for a grounding. Little did we know back then was that our parents had seen countless bicyclist vs. vehicle accidents where the person wasn't wearing a helmet and it never turned out good. Their worst nightmares would be coming upon the accident and it would be their own kid lying in the street. So thanks guys, even though I never got to be in the cool kids club.
2. You always wore a seatbelt, no matter how far you go.
Even if it was just around the block to go to the grocery store, the car wouldn't budge an inch until ever passenger was wearing their seatbelt. My parents always used to tell me that an accident can occur at any time, even a block from our house. Being an EMT, those men and women go on countless calls where if the passenger had been wearing their seatbelt, they would have survived. Many come up with the argument, "Well (insert name here) would have lived if he wasn't wearing his seatbelt!" You're probably right, but do you want to play that game of roulette? Now when someone gets into our car, seatbelts are always worn and we won't budge an inch just like our parents.
3. You never text and drive because you've seen the outcome.
Whenever an accident was a learning experience, my parents would take me to see the aftermath of an accident. Many times the driver was texting and driving so by being distracted for one second could lead you to the ditch in the next. We all know the outcome of distracted driving, but our parents drill into our heads that it only takes one second to end your life.
4. You offer to drive when people are drinking.
There are countless late nights where our parents would go out to try and save someone's life who had gotten behind the wheel when they were too intoxicated. It takes a toll on everyone involved, but especially those EMT men and women who have to face the scene of something tragic over and over again.
5. You know how to treat minor wounds.
Many times my parents would let me come to their weekly EMT meetings and I always got the chance to play the victim so that they could practice new techniques etc. With that, I always watched as they would treat my "wounds", which I then got to practice at college when someone would get hurt and were too broke to go to the doctor. It has saved me money as well by treating things myself rather than have a doctor tell me I'm fine.
6. You're the one that can remain calm when things get hectic.
Our parents have to remain calm under all circumstances so that's obviously a trait they pass down to us. When others are in a panic, we are the soothing voice that keeps them calm just like our parents did for us once upon a time.