According to the Meriam-Webster dictionary, a best friend is someone's closest friend. In modern society, best friends are essential to getting through life. A best friend is a personal confidant, someone that helps navigate through life's twist and turns. They're the Sherlock to your Watson, the Turk to your J.D. Whatever happens in life, BFFs (best friends forever) are the ones who will always stick around. Becoming best friends with someone is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Here's 6 signs you've found yours.
1. You talk to each other every day
It's a fact: it's just more comfortable to talk to them more than anyone else. It's impossible to not tell them about a classmate getting roasted by a teacher. Sending memes at 4 in the morning just isn't strange between you two anymore. Double texting is a thing of the past. Instead, sending 10 text messages in a row is a normal occurrence in conversations. The bizarre texts that could be sent to no one else but them are met with equally bizarre answers that are sent in complete seriousness.
2. Random rants
That annoying guy who was obviously talking about your butt right behind you? Your best friend knows about them. Remember that awful ex who you wish wasn't alive? You can bet your best friend hates them more than you do. Any good or bad thing going on in life, best friends always hear it as soon as it happens. Whenever a rant happens, your best friend is sure to match your anger or excitement to a T.
3. Mean names aren't actually mean
Colorful names are traded quite easily. Being called loser means more along the lines of honey with best friends. Words that would be rude said to anyone else are traded between the two as easily as asking about the others' day. When they're not reciprocated or said at all, it's usually a subtle cue that one or both are having a bad day, and the mean names are then exchanged for pet names and words of encouragement.
4. PDA is a must
Personally, I show lots of affection such as holding hands or kissing the cheeks of my closest friends. It doesn't matter if one or both of us are dating someone else, I'm still going to hold their hand in the hallway when walking to class or while at lunch. My platonic love for my best friends is conveyed much easier through affection and I shower them in it when I'm physically with them.
5. You share literally everything
From drinks, to food, to clothes, nothing is safe. Gossip is shared like splitting a meal: even and with no withholding. Sleepovers are easy because who needs to worry about having extra clothes when you borrow your best friend's clothes normally? Buying food for two? Please. It's more like buying an extra-large of one meal and divide it up semi-evenly between two. Birthday gifts are honestly more for both of you than just for one.
And finally:
6. You wouldn't trade them for the world
Sometimes you bicker, or they can annoy you like no other, but at the end of the day, you would never give your best friend up for anything. Through thick and thin, your best friend has stayed by your side, and they will continue to be there for you. Even if everything falls apart, best friends are always constant. That's why they deserve the title "Best Friend Forever".