I don't about you, but Christmas break really couldn't come soon enough. And I'm not a holiday person. You can keep the carols and general jubilation, just give me food and a month to sleep off the trainwreck that has been this semester.
I mean it hasn't been all bad, but it's still 2016. Enough said. If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, you too may be suffering from, can this semester end already. Only know cure, is for the semester to finally end.
1. You've been wearing the same sweat pants all week.
You used to at least switch for you Tuesday/Thursday people, but not even that is happening.
2. You snooze so much your alarm clock has just started turning itself off.
Five minutes to get to class, no problem.
3. You could actually drown in the amount of work you have.
Which might be a welcome reprieve.
4. Your diet consists of anything you can eat in five minutes.
And people wonder where the freshman/sophomore/junior/senior 15 come from.
5. Your makeup has expired.
It's been so long since you put in on your face, it just up and disappeared.
6. The realization that Christmas break is only a few weeks away is equally as soul killing as it is amazing.
Good luck on the end of the semester everyone! May the curve be ever in your favor.