Do you have that one person you could "never live without," and who promised that "they would always be there," then one day, they're not there anymore?
Here are the six rules on how to move on:
Rule 1: Just let it out.
Don't try to hide how you feel. Don’t try to play it off and say you’re alright when you’re really falling apart. Ending things with someone hurts, but the best part about pain is that it's temporary! Let yourself be angry, disappointed, and confused. Stay in one night watching sad movies, eating ice cream and cuddling with your dog. It really is okay not to be okay.
Rule 2: Don't focus on what they said, focus on what they did.
Focus on what actually happened and remember: actions speak a lot louder than words.
Rule 3: Don't Stay Bitter.
Sometimes, you just have to accept the apology you'll never get. I know it's hard to forgive someone who hurt you, but if you never do, you'll only be hurting yourself in the end. The truth is that people are allowed to leave you. People are allowed to not love you anymore. It's a hard lesson to learn, but it's also life. Don’t be upset with someone who is only trying to find their own happiness.
Rule 4: Learn how to let go.
Rule 5: Find yourself again.
Sometimes when you're so wrapped up in a relationship, you lose your sense of self. Take this newfound freedom to do things you love again like painting, reading or hiking. Spend time with your friends and family; they miss you and you miss them.
Rule 6: Know that it may suck right now, but it won’t forever.
One day their name won’t mean as much to you, seeing them won’t make your stomach drop, and you will have moved on. The heart can break, but it can also heal. One day you'll look back and laugh at how much time you spent worried about some boy. You won't be stuck on them forever, and you’ll get through it!