Many college students are in the process of selecting their roommates for the upcoming semesters. While rooming with your best friend may seem like the best idea, make sure living together won't ruin your friendship. Don't be afraid to ask questions and say no to someone you know you won't get along with.
1. Your idea of clean doesn't match theirs.
Look, it's totally fine if your a little messy; just make sure your roommate is too. Initially, everything may seem OK, but trust me. Unless you're prepared to start cleaning to their standards, things will get messy in your relationship.
2. You have different schedules.
If your roommate has all 8 a.m. classes and 10 a.m. means early for you, you're going to grow to resent each other. Try to find someone who's involved with similar activities to yours or in a similar major. Your sleep schedule will thank you.
3. They are a suitcase student.
If as soon as Friday afternoon hits they're running for the door to go home, it might seem fun to have weekends to yourself. But trust me, a roommate who's gonna stay and have fun with you rather than going home every weekend is much better.
4. They won't communicate with you.
If your roommate is getting mad at you for things they didn't tell you were bothering them -- guess who's fault that is? Someone who isn't willing to sit down and talk about things won't be good in the long run.
5. They're petty.
Pettiness has no place in a happy roommate relationship. If you're going to live together, both of you need to have your emotions in check and be honest with each other. Don't say you're fine if you're not.
6. They talk to your mutual friends about the problems between the two of you.
If your roommate gossips to your mutual friends about what's happening between the two of you, it's no fun for anyone involved and you risk losing more friends this way. Don't do this to your roommate either. Be the bigger person.