I was born and raised in Vegas, and while it is no small town- being a Vegas dweller has left no small mark on who I am today. Especially when I go somewhere else, even just a state away, it's easy to feel all the differences between being raised here versus anywhere else. Here are just a few of the many reminders that, yes, I WAS raised in Las Vegas.
1. The Sight of The Strip Comforts Me
Seeing the skyline of the strip as we get home from a long, tiring road trip is like a glowing reminder that I’ll get to sleep in my own bed soon. It’s the shiny beacon of being home again and absolutely the icon of what my home looks like in my mind.
2. Other Place’s Casinos dont impress me.
2. Other Place's Casinos Fail to Impress Me
Whenever I see a casino anywhere other than Vegas- it just doesn’t impress me. I’m like, “and what else do you have for me?” I don’t want to seem entitled per say but after being raised in the bright lights and glitz of some of the world’s BEST casinos- can’t say I’ll be too tempted by other casino-like establishments if I ever move.
3. Heat is Nothing to Me
And humidity is EVERYTHING to me. 110? Andddd??? Give me whatcha got, weather! I got shorts and flip flips and I’m ready to go. But go even a few notches above 30% humidity and I’m sweating like no tmrw. Let’s not even talk about my hair. Needless to say- Florida and I will never get along.
4. I Like Diversity
Here in Vegas, there’s a touch of everyone here. Literally EVERYONE. Going to the Midwest where almost everyone’s white would be alien to me. Like it would bother me. When we visit colleges, I actually check what their ethnic makeup is as I look around campus because I want a similar diversity to what I grew up with. I think that there’s so much beauty in a melting pot and only seeing one color in a population genuinely makes me uncomfortable. Even if they’re all the same color as me.
5. I’m Used to Competition
Lots of people = lots of competition. I’m used to a rat race and putting everything forward as quickly as possible. We talk about high-level classes and how we're going to get ahead- whether it's with intelligence, talents, or just purely money. We want to be heading somewhere. And getting there fast. The slow life would be nice as a vacation, but then I'd need something bigger to chase.
6. Seeing the Mountains
When I go to places that aren't surrounded by mountains and it's SO weird. I have no protection! What if the aliens attack?! There will be no high mountains to protect us! (This makes no sense, I know, but to me it is completely logical.) There's endless sky and no beautiful cut-off for my sunsets. Mountains are just too amazing.
So here are a few of MANY reminders that I was raised in Vegas. As I've gotten older, I've become quite pleased with how I grew up here and all that it's taught me. While I love the cultures and unique people in different areas, there's something unique about Vegas that I feel people who grew up here really have- and I'm proud to be a part of that.