The second-most dreaded time of the semester is here: midterms. Libraries are full, friends are stressed, and some professors are extremely unhelpful. Midterms can be extremely stressful, but it's not the end of the world. Sometimes we just need a little boost to put things into perspective.
1. It's okay to take a study break.
Studying five fewer minutes for your big math exam will not be the difference between an A and a B. Give yourself a chance to text your friends back, grab a snack, and maybe even catch a quick nap.
2. Sleep, sleep, sleep.
Staying up a little later than normal may be necessary to ace the exam, but pulling an all-nighter is definitely not the solution. Can you imagine falling asleep during your exam?
3. Personal health is more important than studying.
I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've heard "wow I totally forgot to eat today" or "I haven't left my dorm the entire day today." Acing that exam is definitely amazing, but don't sacrifice your personal health in order to make it happen.
4. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Whether it be emailing your TA or asking a friend who's already taken the class for help, don't be afraid to admit that you need a little assistance. We've all been there and most of us are happy to help whenever we can.
5. Just imagine that feeling you'll have when it's all finally done.
Netflix for days, right? Stepping out of an exam and having it all be over is definitely one of the greatest feelings you can have during the semester. You'll be free, so just cram until then.
6. You're halfway done with the semester!
Yes midterms are not exactly fun, but it does (usually) mark the halfway point of the semester. You're halfway through your class and halfway closer to one big, relaxing break.
Don't overstress. You're almost there.