We've all done it. Some of us more than others. I happen to be one of those people that chooses to drive on Friday and Saturday nights. Early on in my teenage years, I made the decision to not drink alcohol. Yes, I know..I am certainly in the minority of college students with that statement. Even though I do not regret my decision about this and I am more than willing to pick you up on the weekend, being the forever DD does start to wear you down. Here's what you need to remember:
1. Your friends do appreciate you.
They may not say it that night..they may not say it ever, but I promise you they are thankful for the fact that they got home safely last weekend.
2. You are saving money
Maybe not gas money, but certainly the ridiculous amounts of money that go toward alcohol.
3. You are going to feel fine in the morning
One of the most significant drawbacks of drinking all night is waking up the next morning with an awful hangover. However, for you, water and soda do not have this effect on the body, so you can expect to wake up feeling refreshed and hydrated.
4. You are going to remember the night
Someone needs to be responsible for telling your friends what happened the previous night. And lucky for you, you remember it all.
5. You are making your parents proud
They probably don't love the fact that you are out at 1:00am driving a car, but if that means that you are not participating in the wildness that consuming alcohol is...they're probably going to sleep with a smile on their face.
6. You are making yourself proud.
Step back for a second. Because I know that it gets rough when the clock strikes midnight and your car is just getting their night started. But you are the reason that a group of people are getting back safely, and that in itself is more than enough of a reason to stay sober.
I am not saying that drinking in college or anytime is bad. I really don't mind when people drink.I really don't mind picking them up afterwards. At times it can be difficult. However, for me, the benefits of not drinking outweigh the benefits of drinking. This is why I will be a forever DD and am 100 percent OK with it.